

Install nuspacesim from pypi. This will install needed dependencies along with nuspacesim.

python3 -m pip install nuspacesim

Alternatively install nuspacesim from our conda channel.:

conda create -n nuspacesim -c conda-forge -c nuspacesim nuspacesim
conda activate nuspacesim

Read the nuspacesim help docstring

python3 -m nuspacesim --help

Create the TOML configuration file

Create a configuration file with the create-config command. This is editable by the user for defining different simulation parameters.

nuspacesim create-config --numtrajs 1e6 --monospectrum 10.25 my_config_file.toml

Run the simulator

Simulate neutrino interactions, and extensive air showers, then save the results to a FITS file.

nuspacesim run my_config_file.toml -output my_nss_sim.fits

Optionally, override the configuration file on the command line.

nuspacesim run my_config_file.toml 1e5 --powerspectrum 2 6 12 -o my_nss_sim.fits

Explore simulation results

Quickly overview the generated table with astropy’s showtable.

showtable my_nss_sim.fits

Help Documentation

Use the –help flag for documentation.:

nuspacesim --help
Usage: nuspacesim [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --debug / --no-debug
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  create-config  Generate a configuration file from the given parameters.
  run            Main Simulator for nuspacesim.

Also works for the subcommands.

nuspacesim run --help


python3 -m pip uninstall nuspacesim

Clone the Repository (for development)

  1. git clone https://github.com/NuSpaceSim/nuSpaceSim.git

  2. cd nuSpaceSim

  3. python3 -m pip install -e .